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Digital Penthouse

1/14/25, 3:46 PM


mystery-puzzle-horror, immersive narrative, website, neocities, text, wiki, nested stories

Inside of Melissa Roland's school-bag is a collection of unconventional stageplays she did not write, and she has no idea how they got there. Digital Penthouse is a website imitating an old, abandoned Wiki, hosting a mystery uncovered only by inputting the full URLs for Chapters, Characters, and Locations. It's a tale told in fragments – broken, shattered fragments – and you must piece together what you can in order to understand the truth.

Night Mind Index is a free resource created and maintained by Nick Nocturne, supported by members of the Night Mind Patreon; you can support the NM Index by becoming a Night Mind Patreon supporter. Information here is free to use and credit given to Nick Nocturne/Night Mind is optional; the only request for credit is to the NM Index to spread further word to community members and content creators of its availability as a content discovery engine.

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