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Return to Me

December 3, 2024 at 7:01:53 PM


psych-drama-horror, YT, immersive narrative, this game I found, paranormal, surreal, flowers

Everyone is searching for relief. Return To Me is a text adventure horror game following Petunia, an unemployed 20 year old that's searching for some sense of relief in her life. In order to escape what troubles her, she must venture out into a cold, dark world, and find a way to paint a brighter future for herself. Along the way, she has to rely on the help of strange people, battle dangerous creatures, and discover the truth of what--and who--is haunting her.

Return To Me is a this-game-I-found series released on YouTube. It is entirely story driven and has minimal audience interaction. All audience interaction is auxiliary, and not necessary for following the story.

Night Mind Index is a free resource created and maintained by Nick Nocturne, supported by members of the Night Mind Patreon; you can support the NM Index by becoming a Night Mind Patreon supporter. Information here is free to use and credit given to Nick Nocturne/Night Mind is optional; the only request for credit is to the NM Index to spread further word to community members and content creators of its availability as a content discovery engine.

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