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Puzzle Projects

The pinnacle of perfection, Delta: PRISM is a cyberpunk utopia within a dystopian wasteland. Remnants of the world we know as Earth have withered away with time, engulfed by the Dust that threatens humanity. Among the Deltas that cultivate life and progress, a streamer finds herself exiled for reasons unknown to anyone beyond the Triad. Or maybe, that's just what she wants you to think.

Delta: PRISM

June 11, 2024 at 11:52:41 PM

The pinnacle of perfection, Delta: PRISM is a cyberpunk utopia within a dystopian wasteland. Remnants of the world we know as Earth have withered away with time, engulfed by the Dust that threatens humanity. Among the Deltas that cultivate life and progress, a streamer finds herself exiled for reasons unknown to anyone beyond the Triad. Or maybe, that's just what she wants you to think.



puzzle-horror, ARG, multiplat, vtuber, dark, video game

He is Death. No need for an introduction as you already met but let me elaborate on this quickly. Every human being dies at least three times in their life.

Their first time is when they are born when the secure life inside their mother’s belly is over. Humans are not aware of that first death. It only really becomes apparent when the final death comes. But there is also a second death (or many second deaths) when love for someone is lost. It is not a physical death. But in the process part of your soul falls away and nothing will be the same after that. When love causes undesired pain, the type of pain even stronger and more intense than any sickness, he may come with relief (or a curse). If the one you deeply love is not feeling the same towards you, he may take that pain away... You just need to ask him, and he will swing his scythe.

How to summon Death, who has done it already in the past, and what are the consequences if you betray him, Death is sharing in his Memoirs in the forms of short stories.

Unfortunately, these Memoirs are locked behind puzzles that are difficult to solve by one person, so Death created a Guild. Are you capable of finding it?


Memoirs of Death

April 4, 2023 at 4:05:26 AM

He is Death. No need for an introduction as you already met but let me elaborate on this quickly. Every human being dies at least three times in their life...



puzzle-drama, ARG, dark, paranormal, cults, don't fear the reaper

A certain web series creator has become rather cynical as of late. He claims that the ARG/Unfiction community has become toxic, elitist and is forcing originality for originality's sake. Going by the alias of "the fearmaster" and posting the usual totheark/Local 58 style videos, he seeks to prove that nothing is completely original and everything is derivative of something that came before it. It's impossible to create something new without first using someone else' work as a starting point. And it's impossible to build off of anything if you don't have the means of which to do so. Can you prove him wrong? We'll see about that.


April 29, 2022 at 6:48:17 PM

A certain web series creator has become rather cynical as of late. He claims that the ARG/Unfiction community has become toxic, elitist and is forcing originality for originality's sake. Going by the alias of "the fearmaster" and posting the usual totheark/Local 58 style videos, he seeks to prove that nothing is completely original and everything is derivative of something that came before it. It's impossible to create something new without first using someone else' work as a starting point. And it's impossible to build off of anything if you don't have the means of which to do so. Can you prove him wrong? We'll see about that.



puzzle-psych-humor, interactive, multi-plat, satire

While uploading a video he made to YouTube, a man notices his computer has been logged into a strange account with an odd name: NULL. There is one video; he watches it and makes a response, asking whoever is behind it to stop. They don’t listen, and bizarre videos keep popping up, with strange codes and messages that he can't understand. Solve codes, translate sentences, examine images, and help make sense of this channel that someone has made just for him.


May 2, 2021 at 4:42:35 PM

While uploading a video he made to YouTube, a man notices his computer has been logged into a strange account with an odd name: NULL. There is one video; he watches it and makes a response, asking whoever is behind it to stop. They don’t listen, and bizarre videos keep popping up, with strange codes and messages that he can't understand. Solve codes, translate sentences, examine images, and help make sense of this channel that someone has made just for him.



puzzle-mystery-horror, interactive, multiplat, paranormal, glitchy visuals

Offered by the submitter is the following:

ECGO_DSLOS is either an ARG or an Interactive Project according to the definitions on the website. I'm unsure about which one it exactly is because while there are some codes on the page, I'm not sure if any of them have already been solved or if they even need to be solved to go ahead. There aren’t many followers on the page, and I haven’t been able to find any discussion about it online. I have made a Reddit account and I’m waiting for confirmation that I can create a topic about this situation before I start discussing it on r/ARG like you recommended.

The page is currently updating every day with a new video featuring a code I haven't really looked into yet. There are a few other posts featuring codes (which are all videos) with some “story” elements scattered around them, but I’m a little confused about where this thing is going. The page is more like a big infodump than an actual narrative.

The page has been posting for just over a month, and this is the first upload: I don't know if that post counts as a trailhead, but the first upload that absolutely has story elements in it would be this one from the 27th of July: In it, the photos reference what I'm fairly sure are space missions which "no longer exist".

The URL name/account name of the page is clearly a reference to Star Trek: The Next Generation since episode 16 of season 4 is called Galaxy's Child. While I don't think this page is connected to Star Trek, I haven't discounted that possibility yet because of the previously mentioned posts about space travel. It has even posted @NASA in this upload:

The confusing thing is that the page has stopped talking about space and is now telling a different story. Starting with this post (featuring codes):, the hashtag “islander” starts showing up. From what I can tell, the story is about a group or company called ECGO, who either experimented on people, or exposed people to something on “the islands”. This post: is the most story-heavy one that the account has posted, but there’s not really a lot more to go on.

The account also keeps mentioning something called “the blue” in posts and hashtags, but it doesn’t really tell you what it is. The words “lightning” and “salt” also appear in the hashtags a lot along with variations on “island”, “islander” and “blackandwhite”, but apart from this post:, they don’t seem to come up.

Apart from all that, it seems like the page is run by two characters. One is called the “disclosure artist” and the other one hasn’t been named yet (who is currently in charge). There are also a few other unnamed characters who have been mentioned, like the writer. There is also a Reddit account by the same name ( I found when Googling the ECGO name which reuploads things that have appeared on the Instagram page. On finding the Reddit account, I DMed the ECGO Instagram page and received the following reply:

(Screenshot was provided of ECGO saying, "this is about a truth that has gone unspoken. the word is: excision.")


September 22, 2020 at 3:57:14 AM

If you wanted an Instagram-based mystery box specializing in monochrome design, this it it. Submitted by a follower, there's a proper writeup in the "Read More" to gain better perspective on what precisely has been going on and what this all might be.



puzzle-mystery, ARG, IG, space is beautiful

A mysterious man started challenging university students from Brazil; he claims to be in search of "exceptional individuals", and challenges them to solve his puzzles, donating money for charity as players progresses through his challenges. However, something more sinister seems to be underlying the challenge - constant warnings about an evil organization running the country from the shadows, and KuroYotogi himself seems to employ some sort of surveillance system with dubious ethics and intentions. At the same time, his games are raising money for a good cause, and his warnings seem to promote protection. 

As the games progressed, it was revealed the man's name was Alexandre Kurosaka. It became clear that these challenges were an attempt of his to assemble and train some sort of code-breaking task force to auxiliate him in his fight against a criminal conglomerate called "KURO". Few details were actually revealed about KURO's nature or Alexandre's relationship to it. It also became clear that two "entities" had access to the KuroYotogi twitter: Alexandre himself and some sort of AI or algorythm called the Yotogi System, which seems to be Alexandre's surveillance system, although details have not been explained so far. Game phases were held at groups of the UNICAMP and USP universities, as well as a final phase held in the christmas of 2020 at a big, cross-university facebook group. This final game was particularly revealing about a few things; through it, players uncovered a strange scientific paper that seemed to be a study conducted internally at KURO, evaluating the effects of an experimental drug in enhancing the physical capabilities of those that take it - although at a great cost, as most of the rat subjects of the study died after taking it. Players also found out that Alexandre has stolen some sort of secret weapon from KURO called the Henshin System; a blueprint of said system was found. The illustration implied some sort of power-armor, with the text indicating that the user of this weapon was capable of transforming into something, acquiring great physical prowess through this process. 

Unfortunately, after this game, KuroYotogi ceased its activities. Tweets made at the time ad after implied that Alexandre succeeded in attracting KURO's attention, but failed to create whatever sort of task force he had in mind; this left him defenseless against the organization, which managed to push him back into hiding through virtual and presumably physical attacks, forcing to vacate whatever headquarters he had been using and go into "constant movement"; "They know I'm weakened. They think they'll get me. They're wrong", wrote Alexandre on February 14th. The last thing mentioned by Kuroyotogi was a tweet from February 21st, 2021 - a tweet from the automated Yotogi System, announcing that a new base had been found, and monitoring would be resumed. The account has been silent since, raising questions to whether he escaped KURO after all and, if yes, what is he bidding time for.


September 6, 2020 at 6:52:33 PM

A mysterious man in search of "exceptional individuals" challenges university students from Brazil to solve his puzzles, donating money for charity as players progress through his challenges. However, constant warnings about an evil organization running the country from the shadows run parallel to the challenge, and KuroYotogi seems to employ a surveillance system with dubious ethics and intentions.



puzzle-mystery, ARG, TW, Brazilian

Five months ago (March 7, 2020), a link appeared on r/arg to a Reddit user known as u/RabbitBoyMidas. In our community, the project is often referred to as RBM (Rabbit Boy Midas) or SWC (Southern Woods Cult). The latter is more encompassing of the project. 

A mysterious post stated that initiation would soon arrive. It was from this point that a couple of cryptic songs and puzzles were rolled out. Messaging the user on Reddit would yield certain answers when given specific responses. This period was short, however, as initiation would begin on March 11, 2020.

By this point, it was revealed that there would be four phases, each with their own leader. In order to be initiated into the Southern Woods Cult, you must pass through all four phases. Now, the fourth phase is currently underway. In this time, we have found lots of information about each phase, persona, and background.

The majority of this project unfolds between two places. Members of the Southern Woods Cult post on the Reddit, which is where puzzles and structured information take place. This is an ARG, however, because these cult members frequently participate in the Discord. This means messaging with initiates, revealing important plot points and character info, and even using Voice Chat with discord members.

The experience is mostly puzzle, as there are many puzzles solved as posts come out. The project is also tagged mystery because each high-ranking cult member (Macromvulate) has a mysterious backstory that has to be solved along with the puzzles.



Google Doc:

Southern Woods Cult

September 6, 2020 at 6:43:27 PM

The mysterious Southern Woods Cult is searching for new applicants and recruiting has started. Pass through the four phases and get to know the elusive members of the cult. You too can become a Burrower that falls under the reign of Xylkón.



puzzle-mystery, ARG, RED, oh deer god

A secret cabal of scientists, paranormal researchers, and mystics known as the Leap Year Society have discovered a different layer of reality known as The Fold. A series of connected narratives ranging from an ARG (Chapters), a trilogy of books (Genesis), podcast (Out of Sight), comic (Torment), and a video game (Ascension) explore the world that lies just past our consciousness.

It's a lot of media--but thankfully, the website in the Gate will give a rundown of everything that's out there currently.

Unknown 9

September 6, 2020 at 6:35:44 PM

A secret cabal of scientists, paranormal researchers, and mystics known as the Leap Year Society have discovered a different layer of reality known as The Fold. A series of connected narratives ranging from an ARG (Chapters), a trilogy of books (Genesis), podcast (Out of Sight), comic (Torment), and a video game (Ascension) explore the world that lies just past our consciousness.



puzzle-horror, ARG, multiplat, big universe

The American Society for the Protection of Magical Creatures (the ASPMC) was founded over a century ago to encourage the protection of magical creatures and their habitats. In the intervening years, the organization has atrophied and become a shadow of its former self. Remnants of ASPMC have taken it upon themselves to digitize their efforts and provided a series of missions for new recruits to help out.

This one is firmly in ARG space in that solving puzzles directly unlocks the story. It does operate behind a paywall for the individual experiences, save for the website (passive documentation of fantastic beasts) and the Twitter account (laughable attempts at a magical non-profit entering the modern world).

It does acknowledge its existence on the Non-Magical About page and the individual Investigation pages that you order are slightly out of game by definition (e.g., Moodus Markings), but once you buy the experience, it's a self-contained world that crosses multiple platforms - Moodus ranged everywhere from PowerPoint presentations to Eventbrite listings. Every puzzle is kicked off with an introductory YouTube video, but YouTube is used as a delivery mechanism rather than a platform.

Two out of three of the initial batch of modules have already launched, with the third (a Boston-area location specific experience) still on the way.


September 6, 2020 at 6:28:34 PM

The American Society for the Protection of Magical Creatures (the ASPMC) was founded over a century ago to encourage the protection of magical creatures and their habitats. In the intervening years, the organization has atrophied and become a shadow of its former self. Remnants of ASPMC have taken it upon themselves to digitize their efforts and provided a series of missions for new recruits to help out.



puzzle-humor, ARG, multiplat, phase-based game

Signal and Noise (Pangent Technologies Human Souls ARG):

A rogue AI called Alyssa is also present in the Cube, and is apparently fueled and created by the social media posts of Pangent Technologies. She evolves from a light-up showerhead in our time to a blue-haired CGI woman in 555.

In our time, a woman (codenamed Argentina) works at Pangent Technologies in London, developing the technology that will become the Cube. Social media is mostly run by Leslie (who loves cats and comic strips and Garfield and The Spice Girls and California). There is also the sensible Sharon (codename Guineapix). And Eric (Limonada), a formerly-homeless artist who dates and marries Argentina. Argentina's manipulative mentor is (or was) Dean Schreyer (Lancelot). He understands Argentina's mind, and takes advantage of her clever, anti-social and reckless nature. Dean's son (Galahad/X) dates Argentina briefly, and makes her life much harder afterward.

This plays out via unlisted videos hidden within a gaming Youtube channel called Signal and Noise, and via coded Tumblr posts (often comedic in nature).

Running since January 2016, the ARG includes about three hundred videos, thousands of puzzles and Tumblr posts, some playable game content and RomHacks, and (less importantly) a Twitter account and two Facebook accounts, which post memes.

Players interact with Alyssa and the characters through Tumblr Asks, and through solving puzzles, which provide further content. This is done by a small team at the Game Detectives Discord server, and posted to a solutions blog here:


Nearly everything major in Signal and Noise works through a puzzle/cryptogram public entry that hides the actual story content behind it. Think of it as a sort of locked-door/reward-room pattern.

The first comprehensible story installment can be found through the public video titled "Zero" in binary, which leads to the unlisted video titled "Complete" in binary, posted on February 14th, 2016 and located here:

The best way to carve out a path for exploration is by using the Human Souls/Videos page on the Game Detectives Wiki, where players have archived the public puzzle videos, their decoded titles, and links to the pages worked out on the Solutions Tumblr that provide the reward information.

In essence: this page is your ultimate beginner's reference. Row by row, click on the Solution page, browse the info, and look for a final YouTube link, which will take you to a major story video (if there's one to be found at the end of that puzzle chain). Every major story component will always be in an unlisted video, not a public video.

Alternatively, there is a main Human Souls page on the Game Detective Wiki with a section called "For New Players" that has posted some of the major story beat videos and important media drops, though not necessarily in order:

Pangent Tech

July 30, 2020 at 1:24:58 AM

(A.K.A. Pangent Technologies | Human Souls) The minds of a man and a woman are trapped as data inside a Cube, inside which time and space are meaningless. In our time, three women work at Pangent Technologies London to develop the dangerous tech that becomes the Cube (555), while posting puzzles, memes and game hacks, and being antagonized by their bosses. Also Eric is there.



puzzle-mystery-humor, ARG, multiplat, Cube is Life

Night Mind Index is a free resource created and maintained by Nick Nocturne, supported by members of the Night Mind Patreon; you can support the NM Index by becoming a Night Mind Patreon supporter. Information here is free to use and credit given to Nick Nocturne/Night Mind is optional; the only request for credit is to the NM Index to spread further word to community members and content creators of its availability as a content discovery engine.

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