Memoirs of Death
April 4, 2023 at 4:05:26 AM

puzzle-drama, ARG, dark, paranormal, cults, don't fear the reaper
He is Death. No need for an introduction as you already met but let me elaborate on this quickly. Every human being dies at least three times in their life.
Their first time is when they are born when the secure life inside their mother’s belly is over. Humans are not aware of that first death. It only really becomes apparent when the final death comes. But there is also a second death (or many second deaths) when love for someone is lost. It is not a physical death. But in the process part of your soul falls away and nothing will be the same after that. When love causes undesired pain, the type of pain even stronger and more intense than any sickness, he may come with relief (or a curse). If the one you deeply love is not feeling the same towards you, he may take that pain away... You just need to ask him, and he will swing his scythe.
How to summon Death, who has done it already in the past, and what are the consequences if you betray him, Death is sharing in his Memoirs in the forms of short stories.
Unfortunately, these Memoirs are locked behind puzzles that are difficult to solve by one person, so Death created a Guild. Are you capable of finding it?
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4-mfqIqORL2-hV572kbxSw
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Memoirsof.Death/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MemoirsofDeath
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Memoirs_of_Death/